Who's holding you up?
I was reading this morning in Judges chapter 8 about Gideon. Chapter 7 & the first part of chapter 8 is the popular story of how God used Gideon to deliver Israel with just a few guys. The second half of chapter 8 tells "scene 2" of Gideon's life, and how he started straying away from his convictions. Verse 27 says, "...and all Israel went thither a whoring after it: which thing became a snare unto Gideon." It seems like Gideon didn't continue "being strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might". Also, verse 33 says, "And it came to pass, as soon as Gideon was dead, that the children of Israel turned again, and went a whoring after Baalim, and made Baalberith their god." WHAT A SHAME! After they all had seen God work in a mighty way, once their leader was gone, they turned away from God. How deep were their spiritual roots? HOW DEEP ARE YOUR ROOTS IN YOUR FAITH?