Patience...I Need it Now!
Once a month, the employees of the company where I work get together to learn about a character trait. This morning, we studied Patience. A good working definition of this trait is "accepting difficult situations without giving a deadline to remove it."
James 1:4 says, "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." I wonder why patience is referred to as "her" instead of "him"?!! If it's anything like my wife & I, she does much better with patience than I do!
What are some ways we can show patience in our daily life? 1) keep your cool...don't make hasty decisions. 2) exercise due process...cutting corners can be dangerous. 3) learn to pursue while you patience turns waiting into fruitful accomplishments. 4) learn to accept what cannot be changed. 5) try, try again...learn from your failures & achieve great things.The benefits of showing patience will be that you'll end up solving problems in a less stressful way.
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