Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Tonight, we began our open discussion about the current debate surrounding standards in our church. I really appreciate how open everyone was tonight, and I'm sorry that we ran out of time, but I'm looking forward to continuing our discussion next week. Please be thinking about this between now and then, and be in prayer that God would knit our hearts together on this sensitive topic, so that we can move forward to serve Jesus effectively, and without division.

Here's the list of open discussion questions that we started on tonight. We'll continue dialoging them next Wednesday, along with any other questions that come up. If you'd like to add a question for me to present to the group, please e-mail it to me. (I can keep you anonymous if you'd like.)

1. What is more important, taking care of the inside of people or the outside?
2. Does God care at all about the outward appearance?
3. Why do we sometimes say, “I wish people would stop worrying about the minor things, and focus on the major things”?
4. When someone in leadership points out faults, why is it called “judging” instead of being taken as insight?
5. Does personal conduct and appearance affect our mission as Christians here on earth? (in other words, does it effect our ability to witness for Him, to proclaim the gospel, to edify believers, build the church, etc.)

I love you guys!!


At Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:39:00 PM, Blogger Gabrielle said...

Hey this is Gabby and I talked to my mom about what we all discussed and I told her about the one guy w/ the tatoos and what she thought. If he had already had those tatoos then now he is using the for God's purpose and being able to talk to them and I never looked at it that way that way. He is able to reach out to those ppl. Whats amazing is that God can use something in your life that might appear bad at first, but can turn it all around to glorify him. g2g bye.

At Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:55:00 PM, Blogger YouthMan said...

Excellent comments! Please keep them coming...I really want to know your thoughts.


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